The Professional Profile presented here depicts an academic view of my activities, although you’ll find bits and pieces in there that hint toward another live in industry. I’ll be adding more industry related activities in the near future.
The Professional Profile includes academic recognition and awards, editorial activities, edited books, book chapters and journal publications, invited talks and conference presentations, and I could not help mentioning a few odd patents too.
Adjunct Fellow 2022, 2023
Connected Intelligence Centre, Deputy Vice Chancellor (Education & Students) Devision
University of Technology Sydney
Adjunct Fellow 2020, 2021
Faculty of Science
University of Technology Sydney
Distinguished Visiting Professor 2019
Beijing Institute of Technology, P.R. China
Distinguished Visiting Scholar 2017
Key Technology Partnership
Beijing Institute of Technology, P.R. China
Australian National Citation Award 2016 for Outstanding Contribution to Student Learning
Department of Education and Training, Australian Government, Canberra
Visiting Senior Research Fellow Award 2016
Key Technology Partnership (Inward)
Beijing Institute of Technology, P.R. China
Inaugural Learning.Futures Award
UTS Learning and Teaching Award 2015
University of Technology Sydney
Engineering Education Enhancement and Research Asia (E3R), Committee Member, 2015 –current
Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA)
Member of the Register of Experts, 2015-2018.
Board of Studies Teaching and Educational Standards.
Chief Examiner, Chair of the NSW HSC Physics Examination Board, 2012-2014.
In recognition for the contribution to Science, bibliography included in:
Who is Who in the World, The Millennium Edition 2000 and, 2001-current.
NSW State Government, Australian Technology Showcase funding scheme.
Applications Assessor (Innovation, Young Entrepreneurs), 2004-2011.
Reviews Editor of Cal-laborate Journal, 2006-2008.
(peer reviewed journal for laboratory science)
International Board of the Committee for Scientific Data Representation (CODATA), International Science Committee, 2005-2008.
International Editorial Advisory Board of the British Homeopathic Journal, Homeopathy (Elsevier)
(peer reviewed, indexed and impact rated journal: MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL, Scopus) 1999-current
European Research Subcommittee of European Committee for Homeopathy 1996-2000
The Hitachi Software Award (Tokyo, Japan);
nominated 2nd price, 1996.
HIVIPS Award, Central Research Laboratory, Hitachi Ltd (Tokyo, Japan) 1995.
J. Schulte, J. Ushio, Y. Takemura, T. Maruizumi
“Molecular Modeling System and Molecular Modeling Method“
Japanese/USA Patent Application, Intellectual Property Office of Hitachi, Ltd.:
(a) 319601863 (1996) and (b) P08-145430 (1996); (c-v) 319601463971 and PCT/JP97/01951 (1997) in Austria, Belgium, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Germany, Denmark, Spain, France, United Kingdom, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Monaco, The Netherlands, Portugal, Sweden, China, Japan, Republic of Korea, USA.
T. Maruizumi, J. Schulte, Y. Takemura, J. Ushio
“Molecular Modeling System (Neural Network)”
Japanese Patent Application (Intellectual Property Office of Hitachi, Ltd.: 319601071 (1996) Japan.
J. Schulte, J. Ushio, Y. Takemura, T. Maruizumi
“Semiconductor 3-body Interaction Potential and Multi-Entropy Functional Fitting”
Japanese Patent Application, Intellectual Property Office of Hitachi, Ltd.: 319600003 (1995) Japan.
T. Maruizumi, J. Ushio, Y. Takemura, J. Schulte
“Computer system for Molecular Orbital Simulation”
Japanese Patent Application, Intellectual Property Office of Hitachi ,Ltd.: 319500759 (1995) Japan.
Y. Takemura, J. Ushio, T. Maruizumi, J. Schulte
“Computational Methods on two electron integrals for MO calculation”
Japanese Patent Application, Intellectual Property Office of Hitachi , Ltd.: 319500765 (1995) Japan.
8. Sustainable Language Support Practises in Science Education
Editors: Felicia Zhang, Brett Lidbury, Alice Richardson , Jurgen Schulte, Adam
Bridgeman, Brian Yates, John Rodger, Karen M Mate, Alice Richardson
Publisher: IGI Global, 2011
ISBN 978-1-61350-062-0, (XIX+249 p.)
7. Nanotechnology – Global Strategies, Industry Trends and Applications
Editor: Jurgen Schulte
Publisher: Wiley & Sons, 2005
ISBN 0-470-85400-6 (182 p.)
6. APNF 2004 – SINC 04, Proceedings of the Asia Pacific Nanotechnology Forum
Editor: Jurgen Schulte
Publisher: Asia Pacific Nanotechnology Forum Inc., 2005, (689 p.)
5. APNF 2003 – OZ Nano 03, Proceedings of the Asia Pacific Nanotechnology Forum
Editor: Jurgen Schulte
Publisher: World Scientific Publishing, Singapore
ISBN 981-238-862-1, (172 p.)
4. Fundamental Research in Ultra High Dilutions and Homoeopathy
Editors: Jurgen Schulte, Peter C. Endler.
Publisher: Kluwer / Springer 1998.
ISBN 0-7923-5051, (IX+334 p.)
3. Homöopathie und Bioreaktion, Physiologische und Physikalische Vorraussetzungen, Grundlagenforschung (Homeopathy and Bioreactions, Physilogical and Physical Prerequisites, Fundamental Research)
Editors: Peter C. Endler, Jurgen Schulte.
Publisher: Verlag für Medizinische Wissenschaft, Maudrich, Vienna-Munich-Bern 1996.
ISBN 3-85175-6681, (XII+209 p.)
2. Ultra High Dilution — Physiology and Physics
Editors: Peter C. Endler, Jurgen Schulte.
Reviewed by:
Robert G. Jahn (Aerospace Science, Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research, USA),
Bryan Josephson (Nobel Laureate (Physics), Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge, UK),
Madeleine Bastide (Fac. de Pharmacie, Univ. de Montpellier, France).
Publisher: Kluwer / Sringer 1994.
ISBN 0-7923-2676-8, (XII+268 p.)
1. 1st Gareller Workshop über Anwendungen moderner mathematischer Methoden in der
Theoretischen Physik (Applied Modern Mathematical Methods in Theoretical Physics,
Differential Geometry, Proceedings, December 12-14, Garrel (FRG) 1986.
Editors: Burkhard Kleihaus, Jurgen Schulte.
Publisher: Oldenburg University Press (Germany)
UO-PHYS-THEO-01 March 1987, Oldenburg 1986.
13 Martinez-Maldonado, R., Mangaroska, K., Schulte, J., Elliott, D., Axisa, C., Buckingham Shum, S.
Moodoo: Indoor Positioning Analytics for Characterising Classroom Teaching
I. I. Bittencourt et al. (Eds.): Artificial Intelligence in Education – AIED 2020, LNAI 12163, pp. 1–14, 2020. Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020.
12 Schulte J.
The Benefits of Teaching Students the Language of Physics
Sustainable Language Support Practises in Science Education, p. 160-194, eds. Zhang et al.. IGI Global 2011 (peer-reviewed).
11 Schulte J.
Movements in Nanotechnology
Nanotechnology – Global Strategies, Industry Trends and Applications, p. 1-4, ed. J. Schulte, Wiley & Sons 2005.
10 Gu H., Schulte J.
Scientific development aned industrial application of nanotechnology in China
Nanotechnology – Global Strategies,Industry Trends and Applications, p. 7-24, ed. J. Schulte, Wiley & Sons 2005.
9 Schulte J.
Growth through nanotechnology – Opportunities and Risks
Nanotechnology – Global Strategies, Industry Trends and Applications, p. 97-106, ed. J. Schulte, Wiley & Sons 2005.
8 Schulte J., Endler C.
Fundamental Research in Ultra High Dilution and Homeopathy
Fundamental Research in Ultra High Dilution and Homeopathy, p. 3-8, ed. J. Schulte, C. Endler,
Kluwer / Springer 1998.
7 Schulte J.
Bio-information between quantum and continuum physics – The mesoscopic picture
Fundamental Research in Ultra High Dilution and Homeopathy, p. 45-68, ed. J. Schulte C. Endler, Kluwer / Springer 1998.
6 Endler C., Heckmann C., Lauppert E., Pongratz W. Alex J. Dietlerle D.. Lukitch C., Vinattieri C, Smith CW, Senekowitsch F., Moeller H., Schulte J.
The metamorphosis of amphibians and information of thyroxin storage via the bipolar fluid water and on a technical data carrier – transference via an electronic amplifier.
Fundamental Research in Ultra High Dilution and Homeopathy, p. 155-189, ed. J. Schulte C. Endler, Kluwer / Springer 1998.
5 Schulte J., Endler P.C;
Outline of experimental physical methods to investigate specific structures of UHD.
Ultra High Dilution — Physiology and Physics, 99-104.
Eds.: P. C. Endler, J. Schulte, Kluwer / Springer 1994.
4 Schulte J.
Quality and standards in UHS research.
Ultra High Dilution — Physiology and Physics, 171-175.
Eds.: P. C. Endler, J. Schulte, Kluwer / Springer 1994.
3 Schulte J.
Conservation of structure in aqueous UHD.
Ultra High Dilution — Physiology and Physic, 105-116.
Eds.: P. C. Endler, J. Schulte, Kluwer / Springer 1994.
2 Schulte J., Endler P.C;
Preliminary elements of a theory on UHD.
Ultra High Dilution — Physiology and Physics, 245-254.
Eds.: P. C. Endler, J. Schulte, Kluwer / Springer 1994.
1 Moser F., Naradoslawsky M. Schulte J.;
Alternative research or research on alternatives.
Ultra High Dilution — Physiology and Physics, 255-263.
Eds.: P. C. Endler, J. Schulte, Kluwer / Springer 1994.
58 Xiangdong Feng, Changhong Lu, Jurgen Schulte, Zengxu Shan, Gentong Liu
Pendulum waves: A model of Thomae’s function
American Journal of Physics 91, 964–969 (2023)
AJP Supplementary Online Material
57 Roberto Martinez‐Maldonado, · Vanessa Echeverria, · Katerina Mangaroska, · Antonette Shibani, · Gloria Fernandez‐Nieto, · Jurgen Schulte, ·Simon Buckingham Shum
Moodoo the Tracker: Spatial Classroom Analyticsfor Characterising Teachers’ Pedagogical Approaches
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education, November 2021, 1-27.
56 Si Wang, Shiqi Huang, Chenchen Liu, Qingfan Shi, Jurgen Schulte,
A simple method to measure the local geomagnetic field accurately in a first-year physics laboratory
The Physics Teacher Vol. 59, 655-658 (2021).
55 Martinez-Maldonado, R., Mangaroska, K., Schulte, J., Elliott, D., Axisa, C. and Buckingham Shum, S. (2020). Teacher Tracking with Integrity: What Indoor Positioning Can Tell About Instructional Proxemics. Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (UBICOMP, Cancun – Mexico), Vol. 4, No. 1, Article 22, pp. 1-27 (2020).
54 Roberto Martinez-Maldonado, Jurgen Schulte, Vanessa Echeverria, Yuveena Gopalan, Simon Buckingham Shum
Where is the Teacher? Digital Analytics for Classroom Proxemics
Journal of Computer Assisted Learning (accepted for publication Apr 2020).
53 Feng Shen, Hongwei Zhua, Ge Zhua, Qingfan Shi, Jurgen Schulte
Enhanced negative-index collimation by overlapped second band of square lattice sonic crystals
Chinese Journal of Physics 63:201-206 (Feb 2020).
52 Jurgen Schulte (Guest Editor)
Authentic Learning
Education Science (Special Issue, Jan 2019), ISSN 2227-7102
51 Abelardo Pardo, Kathryn Bartimote, Simon Buckingham Shum, Shane Dawson, Jing Gao,
Dragan Gašević, Steve Leichtweis, Danny Liu, Roberto Martínez-Maldonado, Simon McIntyre, Jenny McDonald, Negin Mirriahi, Adon Christian Michael Moskal, Jurgen Schulte, George Siemens, Lorenzo Vigentini
OnTask: Delivering Data-Informed, Personalized Learning Support Actions
Journal of Learning Analytics, Volume 5(3), 235–249 (2018).
50 Schulte J., Tiffen B., Edwards, J., Abbott, S., Luca E.
Shaping the Future of Academic Libraries: Authentic Learning for the Next Generation.
College & Research Libraries 79(5), pp. 685-696 (2018). ISSN 2150-6701.
Preprint available at: <>
49 Wang, Qiaochu; Wang, Chang; Xiao, Yunhuan ; Schulte, Jurgen; Shi, Qingfan
A new method of measuring gravitational acceleration in an undergraduate laboratory program
European Journal of Physics, 2018, Vol.39(1), p.015701
48 Alvarez, G., Schulte, J., et al.
A useful demonstration of calculus in a physics high school laboratory.
Phys. Educ. 53 (1) (2017)
47 Schulte, J., Endler PC.
Update on preliminary elements of a theory of ultra high dilutions
Homeopathy 104(4), pp 337-342 (2015).
46 Endler, P.C., Schulte, J., Stock-Schroeer, B.
“Ultra-high Dilution” 1994 revisited 2014: Follow up of experiments and theories
International Journal of High Dilution Research 14 (2), pp. 47-48
45 Schulte J.
Publications on experimental physical methods to investigate ultra high dilutions – an assessment on quality
Homeopathy (2015) doi:10.1016/j.homp.2015.06.004
44 Schulte J.
Experimental physical methods and theories – then and now
Homeopathy (2015) doi:10.1016/j.homp.2015.06.005
43 Schulte J.
Observations on entanglement, non-locality and ultra-high dilutions
Homeopathy (2015) doi:10.1016/j.homp.2015.06.010
42 Endler C., Schulte S., Stock-Schroeer B., Stephen S. “Ultra High Dilution 1994” revisited 2015 – the state of follow-up research
Homeopathy (2015) doi:10.1016/j.homp.2015.07.005
41 Zhang F., Lidbury B., Schulte J., Bridgeman A., Yates B., Rodger J., Integrating language learning practices in first year science disciplines,
International Journal of Learning, Vol. 17, Issue 4, 481-502 (2010). ISSN 1447-9494
40 Schulte J, Vaseashta A.
Materials Characterization and Development
Applications of Nanotechnologies in Environmental Protection and Pollution, Part 2
NANO Volume 3, Issue 5, 311-312 (2008),
World Scientific, Singapore, ISSN 1793-2920
39 Schulte J., Vaseashta A.
Sensing, Remediation, Toxicology and Control,
Applications of Nanotechnologies in Environmental Protection and Pollution, Part 1
NANO Volume 3, Issue 4, 203-204 (2008),
World Scientific, Singapore, ISSN 1793-2920
38 Friederichs S., Schulte J.
Environmental health and safety aspects of nanotechnology – implications for the R&D small companies.
Science and Technology of Advanced Materials 8, 12-18 (2007).
37 Schulte J., Dutta J.
Nanotechnology in environmental protection and pollution.
Science and Technology of Advanced Materials 6, 221-220 (2005).
36 Krishna G., Schulte J., Cornell B.A., Pace R.J., Osman P. D.
Tethered Bilayer Membranes containing ionic reservoirs: Selectivity and Conductance.
Langmuir 19 (6), 2295-2305 (2003).
35 Krishna G., Schulte J., Cornell B.A., Pace R.J., Wieczorek L., Osman P.D.
Tethered Bilayer Membranes containing ionic reservoirs: The interface capacitance.
Langmuir 17 (16), 4858-4866 (2001).
34 Schulte J., Ushio J, Maruizumi T;
Non-Equilibrium Molecular Orbital Calculations of Si/SiO2 Interfaces.
Thin Solid Films, 369 (1/2), 285-288 (2000).
33 Masens C., Schulte J., Phillips M. , Dligatch S.;
Ultra Flat Gold Surfaces for use in Chemical Force Microscopy: SPM Study of the Effect of Preparation Regime Upon Surface Morphology.
J. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 6, 001-008 (2000).
32 Schulte J, Contonian Physics, Similia 12/1, 26-29 (1999).
31 Schulte J., Schevschenko P., Radchik A.;
Nolinear Resonances in Quadrupole Mass Spectrometers.
Review of Scientific Instruments 70(9), 1-6 (1999).
30 Schulte J.;
Effects of Potentization in Aqueous Solutions.
British Homeopathic Journal , 88 (4), 155-160 (1999).
29 Ostoja M., Schulte J.;
Bounding of effective thermal conductivity of multiscale materials by essential and natural boundary conditions.
Physical Review B54 (1), 278-285 (1996).
28 Schulte J.;
On the Dynamics of Fullerene Multifragmentation.
Supramolecular Science 2 (3/4), 135-140 (1996).
27 Venkatesh R., Marlow W.H., Lucchese R.R.,
Schulte J.;
The Effect of the Nature of the Interaction Potential on Cluster Reaction Rates.
J. Chemical Physics 104 (22), 9016-9019 (1996).
26 Schulte J.;
Nonpolynomial fitting of multi-parameter functions.
Physical Review E53, R1348 (1996).
25 Endler P.C., Pongratz W., Smith C.W. Schulte J.;
Non-molecular information transfer from UHD thyroxin to frogs.
Veterinary and Human Toxicology 37 (3), 259-260 (1995).
24 Schulte J.;
Multifragmentation of Fullerenes, A Molecular Dynamics Statistical Trajectory Ensemble
Study of a Cross Beam Experiment. Int. J. Mass Spectrometry and Ion Processes 145, 203-210 (1995).
23 Venkatesh R., Marlow W.H., Lucchese R.R., Schulte J.;
Thermal Collisison Rate Constants for Small Nickel Clusters of Size 2-14 atoms.
J. Chemical Physics 102, 7683-7689 (1995).
22 Schulte J., Knospe O., Seifert G., Schmidt R.;
C(+)60 + C60 Collisions; II Mass and Angular Distributions.
Phys. Lett. A198, 51-54 (1995).
21 Schulte J.;
Time-Resolved Fragmentation Cross Section Simulation of C(+)60 + C60 Collisions.
Physical Review B50 (17), 12312-12317 (1994).
20 Endler P.C., Pongratz W., Kastberger G., Wiegant F.A.C., Schulte J.;
The effect of higly diluted agitated thyroxin on the climbing activity of frogs.
Veterinary and Human Toxicology 36 (1), 56-59 (1994).
19 Schulte J., Seifert G.;
Computer Simulations of Molecular Processes.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 796, 226-231 (1994).
Eds.: W. Gentsch, U Harms; Springer-Verlag Berlin, 1994.
18 Schmidt R., Schulte J., Knospe O., Seifert G.;
C60(+)+ C60 Collisions; I. Multifragmentation and Collective Flow Effects.
Phys. Lett. A194, 101-104 (1994).
17 Schulte J., Marlow W.H., Lucchese R.R.;
On the Influence of Collision Mass and Interaction Potential to the Energy Transfer in
Small Thermal Gas Phase Clusters.
Journal of Applied Physics 75 (11), 7195-7199 (1994).
16 Schulte J., Endler P.C;
Outline of experimental physical methods to investigate specific structures of UHD.
Ultra High Dilution — Physiology and Physics, 99-104.
Eds.: P. C. Endler, J. Schulte, Kluwer / Springer 1994.
15 Schulte J.
Quality and standards in UHS research.
Ultra High Dilution — Physiology and Physics, 171-175.
Eds.: P. C. Endler, J. Schulte, Kluwer / Springer 1994.
14 Schulte J.
Conservation of structure in aqueous UHD.
Ultra High Dilution — Physiology and Physic, 105-116.
Eds.: P. C. Endler, J. Schulte, Kluwer / Springer 1994.
13 Schulte J., Endler P.C;
Preliminary elements of a theory on UHD.
Ultra High Dilution — Physiology and Physics, 245-254.
Eds.: P. C. Endler, J. Schulte, Kluwer / Springer 1994.
12 Moser F., Naradoslawsky M. Schulte J.;
Alternative research or research on alternatives.
Ultra High Dilution — Physiology and Physics, 255-263.
Eds.: P. C. Endler, J. Schulte, Kluwer / Springer 1994.
11 Seifert G., Schulte J.;
On the formation of deuterium fullerene complexes in collisions of C60 and D2.
Phys. Letters A188, 365-370 (1994).
10 Schulte J., Seifert G.;
DFT-LDA Molecular Dynamics of Molecular Collision Processes.
Chem. Phys. Letters 221, 230-236 (1994).
9 Seifert G., Schulte J.;
Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Cluster Collisions.
Comp. Materials Science 2, 585-588 (1994).
8 Schulte J., Marlow W.H., Lucchese R.R.;
The Effects of Collision Mass and Potential on the Energy Transfer in Thermal Collisions of Gas Phase Clusters.
Journal of Chemical Physics 99 (2), 1178-1184 (1993).
7 Schulte J., Marlow W.H., Lucchese R.R.;
Calculation of Collisional Energy Transfer in Thermal Clusters.
Z. Phys. D26,S 341-343 (1993).
6 Schulte J.;
Thermal Helium Clusters at 3.2 Kelvin in Classical and Semiclassical Simulations.
J. Statistcal. Physics 70 5/6, 1343-1347 (1993).
5 Schulte J.;
On the Structure and Stability of Arn and Ar(+)n Clusters.
Z. Phys. D20, 147-151 (1991).
4 Venkatesh R, Marlow W.H., Lucchese R.R., Schulte J.;
Underlying Dynamics from Analysis of Data from Cluster Collision Simulation.
Proc. of the Material Research Society 206, 189-194 (1991).
3 Schulte J.;
Water Clusters – Structure and Information.
Acta Medica Empirica 39, 418-423 (1990).
2 Kougias Ch., Schulte J.;
Simulating the immune response to the HIV-1 Virus, A Cellular Automata Model.
J. Statistcal. Physics 60 1/2, 263-273 (1990).
1 Franke G., Schulte J.;
Quantum Effects and Structure of Noble-Gas Clusters.
Z. Phys. D12, 65-68 (1989).
27 Jurgen Schulte
Authentic Student Laboratory Classes in Science Education
Guest Editor, Special Issue 2018.
Education Science, ISSN 2227-7102
26 Endler C., Schulte J., Stock-Schroeer B., Stephen S
Guest Editor, Special Issue 2015
Homeopathy 105, ISSN 1475-4916
25 PAM Review: Energy Science & Technology
Editor, 2014 – current
Publisher: UTS ePress
Peer-reviewed student journal
ISSN: 2205-5231
24 Jurgen Schulte, Ashok Vaseashta,
Guest Editor, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Nanotechnology in Environmental Protection and Pollution – Part 1
NANO Vol 3, Issue 5, 2008.
World Scientific, Singapore, ISSN 1793-2920
23 Jurgen Schulte, Ashok Vaseashta,
Guest Editor, Editorial, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Nanotechnology in Environmental Protection and Pollution – Part 2
NANO Vol 3, Issue 4, 2008.
World Scientific, Singapore, ISSN 1793-2920
1-22 Jurgen Schulte,
Editor in Chief
Asia Pacific Nanotechnology Forum, Vol 1 Issue 1 to Vol 5 Issue 2 (22 issues), 2002-2007
Publisher: Asia Pacific Nanotechnology Forum
ISSN 1441-2341
20 Martinez-Maldonado, R., Mangaroska, K., Schulte, J., Elliott, D., Axisa, C. and Buckingham Shum, S. (2020). Teacher Tracking with Integrity: What Indoor Positioning Can Tell About Instructional Proxemics. Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (UBICOMP), 11-15 September 2020, Cancun – Mexico. (Accepted Jan. 2020).
19 Roberto Martinez-Maldonado, Vanessa Echeverria, Jurgen Schulte, Antonette Shibani, Katerina Mangaroska, Simon Buckingham Shum
Moodoo: Indoor Positioning Analytics for Characterising Classroom Teaching.
AIED 2020, Proceedings of the The 21. International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education, 6-10 July 2020, Ifrane – Morocco. (Best Paper Award).
18 Braun M., Schulte J., Davila YC.
Reciprocal Peer Teaching for Problem-Solving Teams in a Senior-Year Science Course. Proceedings of the Australian Conference for Science and Mathematics Education, Curtin University, Sept 30th to Oct 1st, 2015, pages 13-14, ISBN 978-0-9871834-4-6.
17 Schulte, J., Griffiths, N.
Putting the Professional into Practice-Based Learning
International Conference on Learning and Teaching, Singapore 2015.
16 Schulte, J., Griffiths, N.
Putting the professional into practice-based learning ACSME 2014, The Australian Conference on Science and Mathematics Education; pp 162-167.
15 Schulte, J., Griffiths, N.
The language barrier: using concept inventories to teach science to first- year university students
ACSME 2013, The Australian Conference on Science and Mathematics Education; pp 193-198.
14 Hoang, D.B., Elliott, D., McKinley, S.M., Nanda, P., Schulte, J. & Duc, N.A.,
Tele-monitoring techniques to support recovery at home for survivors of a critical illness
IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology, December 12-15, 2012 – Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, December 2012 in Signal Processing and Information Technology 2012, ed Jie Wu, IEEE Computer Society, Ho Chi Minh City – Vietnam.
13 Schulte, J., Nguyen, V., Hoang, D.B., Elliott, D., McKinley, S.M. & Nanda, P.
A remote sensor-based 6-minute functional walking ability test
IEEE Sensors, Taipei, Taiwan, October 2012 in IEEE Sensors 2012, ed NA, IEEE Xplore, pp. 1-4.
12 Zhang F, Lidbury B, Schulte J, Bridgeman A, Yates B, Rodger J,
Language difficulties in First Year Science,
UniServe Conference Proceedings, 159-164, 2008. UniServe, Sydney
11 Schulte J., Bonasera A.
Scaling of Large Fluctuations in Finite Systems
Int. Symposium on Similarities and Differences between Atomic-Nuclei and -Clusters
July 3, Tsukuba, Ibaraki (Japan) 1997.
AIP Conf. Proc. 416, 463–466 (1997)
10 Ostoja M., Schulte J.;
Thermal Conductivity of Mesoscopic Multi-Scale Heterogenous Composites,
A Parallel Computing Approach;
Int. Symposium on Computational Methods in Micromechanics,
Nov. 4, 1995, San Francisco (USA) 1994.
In Proceedings of the Int. Symposium on Computational Methods in Micromechanics,
Winter Annual Meeting of the ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers),
Eds.: Somanth Ghosh, Martin Ostoja, San Francisco, Nov. 1995.
9 Ostoja M., Jasuik I., W. Wang, Schulte J.;
Functional Graded Interphases: Meso-Continum Concept and Effective Properties,
October 10-12, Lausanne (Switzerland) 1994.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Functional Graded Interphases,
3rd International Conference on Structural Functional Graded Materials,
Lausanne (Switzerland), pp 259-265; eds: B. Ilschner, N. Cherradi, Presses Polytechniques
er Univiersitaires Romandes, 1995.
8 G. Seifert, J. Schulte;
Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Cluster Collisions.
International Conference on Theory of Atomic and Molecular Clusters,
June 21-25, Oldenburg (Germany) 1993.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Theory of Atomic and Molecular Clusters,
Oldenburg (Germany); eds.: E.H. Hilf, P. Bohrmann, Oldenburg 1993.
7 G. Seifert, J. Schulte, R. Schmidt;
Cluster Cross Beam LCAO LDA Molecular Dynamics Simulations.
15th International Symposium on Molecular Beams,
May 18-22, Berlin (Germany) 1993.
In Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Molecular Beams, Berlin (Germany);
eds.: L. Woeste, A. Ding, Berlin 1993.
6 Schulte J., Lucchese R.R., Marlow W.H.;
Calculation of Collision Energy Transfer of Thermal Clusters.
13th International Conference on Nucleation and Atmospheric Aerosols,
August 24-28, Salt Lake City, Utah (USA) 1992.
In Nucleation and Atmospheric Aerosols, eds.: Wagner P.E., Fujuta F.,
Deepak Publishing, Hampton , Virginia 1992.
5 Schulte J., Lucchese R.R., Marlow W.H.;
Calculation of Collisional Energy Transfer of Thermal Clusters.
Presented at the Symposium on Atomic and Surface Physics SASP92.
In Proceedings of the Symposium on Atomic and Surface Physics SASP92, Pampeago,
eds.: Bassi D., Scotoni M., Tossi P., Val di Fiemme,
January 19-25, Trentino (Italy) 1992.
4 Schulte J., Lucchese R.R., Marlow W.H.;
Computation of Gas Phase Cluster Accomodation.
Presented at theThird Topical Conference on Emerging Technology in Materials, Nanophase Materials,
Nov. 17-22, Los Angeles (USA) 1991.
In American Institute of Chemical Engineers 1991 Annual Meeting, Los Angeles 1991.
3 Franke G., Schulte J.; Quantum Effects and Structure of Noble-Gas Clusters.
Presented at the International Symposium on Small Particles and Inorganic Clusters, ISSPIC 4,
July 5-9, Aix-En-Provence (France), 1988.
In Small Particles and Inorganic Clusters, eds.: C.Chapon, M.F.Gillet, C.R.Henry, Springer-Verlag,
Heidelberg (Germany) 1989.
2 Schulte J.;
Presented at the 1st Gareller Workshop über Anwendungen moderner mathematischer
Methoden in der Theoretischen Physik.
In 1st Gareller Workshop über Anwendungen moderner mathematischer Methoden in der
Theoretischen Physik, eds.: Kleihaus B., Schulte J.,
December 12-14, Garrel (Germany) 1986.
1 Schulte J., Kleihaus B., Böndgen R., Olt V., Kilgus G., Franke G.;
Theoretical Physics for Undergraduates.
Presented at the International Conference on Physics Educations.
In Proceeding of the International Conference on Physics Educations: Communicating Physics,
August 26-30, Duisburg (Germany) 1985.
40 Industrial Nanotechnology – Opportunities and Risks,
NSW State and Regional Development Function Centre
December 11, Sydney (Australia) 2006.
39 EHS Aspects of Nanotechnology – Implications for Small Companies,
International Symposium on Nanotechnology in Environmental Health and Safety (ISNEPP 2006),
Hong Kong University of Science Technology
June 18-21, Hong Kong (China) 2006.
38 Global Nanotech: Investing Trends & Governmental Funding Initives
IBF 5th Nanotech Investment Forum,
Investment forum panel session with R. Pimental (UK Vice Consul (Trade)), P. Huber (BASF Venture Capital), D. Lackner (Lux Research Inc.)
January 31- February 1, Palm Springs (USA) 2006.
37 Nanotechnology in Asian Manufacturing,
n-ABEL Nanotechnology in Manufacturing Conference
Congress Centrum Saar,
September 26-28, Saarbrucken (Germany) 2005.
36 Nanotechnology in EHS,
International Symposium on Nanotechnology in Environmental Health and Safety (ISNEPP 2005),
The Miracle Grand Hotel
January 12-14, Bangkok (Thailand) 2005.
35 Industrial Nanotechnology in Asia,
Asia Pacific Nanotechnology Forum Conference,
Shanghai International Conference Center
December 9-12, Shanghai (China) 2004.
34 Advance in Nanotechnology in Asia Pacific,
Pacific Rim Conference in Nano Science,
September 7-11, Broome (Australia) 2004.
33 Nanotechnology in Manufacturing,
Intelligent Manufacturing Systems (IMS) Conference,
Villa Erba, Lake Como
May 18-19, Carnobbio (Italy) 2004.
32 Nanotechnology in Asia Pacific,
Asia Pacific Nanotechnology Forum Conference,
The Hilton Conference Centre
November 19-21, Cairns (Australia) 2003.
31 Human Resource Development in Nanotechnology,
APNF Conference on Human Resources Development in Nanotechnology in Asia, NSTDA Conference Center
July 5-7, Bangkok (Thailand) 2003.
30 Nanotechnology Investment, Global Cooperation and Policy, China NanoMaterials 2002
Bejing International Conference Center,
November 3-4, Beijing (China) 2002.
29 Nanotechnology in Asia Pacific,
Nanotech Planet Europe 2002, Hilton Munich
June 18, Munich (Germany) 2002.
28 World Wide Trends in Nanotechnology,
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
March 14, Tokyo (Japan) 2002.
27 Emerging Nanotechnology,
Tokyo American Center, US Embassy, NSF
February 29, Tokyo (Japan) 2002.
26 Nanotechnology in Asia,
Asia Pacific Nanotechnology Forum Conference,
AIST Conference Hall
February 26-28, Tsukuba (Japan) 2002.
25 Physisorption and Chemisoprtion of Sulfur Tethered Lipids,
Graduate School of Information Science and Electrical Engineering, Kyushu University
August 28, Fukuoka (Japan) 2000.
24 Large Scale Lipid Membranes Simulations
Joint Center for Atom Technology
August 2, Tsukuba (Japan) 2000.
23 Memory Efficient Density Functional Calculations
Central Research Laboratory; Hitachi, Ltd.,
February 15, Tokyo (Japan) 2000.
22 Modelling of Self-Assembled Organic Bilayers,
Central Research Laboratory; Hitachi, Ltd.,
April 28, Tokyo (Japan) 1999.
21 Microstructural Analysis of Organic Bilayer Substrates,
Central Research Laboratory; Hitachi, Ltd.,
March 17, Tokyo (Japan) 1998.
20 Large Scale Quantum Molecular Dynamics Modelling of Carbon Cluster Reactions.
The RIKEN Surface and Interfaces Seminar, RIKEN
July 2, Saitama (Japan) 1997.
19. Scaling of Large Fluctuations in Finite Systems,
Simililarities and Differences between Nuclear and Atomic Clusters.
Central Research Laboratory; Hitachi, Ltd.,
July 1, Tokyo (Japan) 1997.
18. Large Scale Quantum Molecular Dynamics.
The Theoretical Physics and Chemistry Seminar, University of Sydney,
May 21, Sydney (Australia) 1997.
17. Thermal Conductivity of Mesoscopic Multi-Scale Heterogenous Composites.
Int. Symposium on Computational Methods in Micromechanics, Ostoja-Starzewski M., Schulte J.
Nov. 10, San Francisco (USA) 1995.
16. Molecular Dynamics Statistical Trajectory Ensemble Simulations of Carbon Cluster Collisions.
Department of Chemistry, McMaster University,
May 31, Hamilton (Canada) 1994.
15. Time Resolved Fragmentation Spectra of C60 Collisions using HPPC Techniques.
Central Research Laboratory; Hitachi, Ltd.,
March 25, Tokyo (Japan) 1994.
14. DFT-LDA Molecular Dynamics of Molecular Collision Processes.
Mechanical Engineering Research Laboratory; Hitachi, Ltd.,
March 24, Tsuchiura (Japan) 1994.
13. Molecular Dynamics Ensemble Simulation of C60 Collisions.
Cluster Science Division, National Institute for Advanced Interdisciplinary Research (NAIR),
March 22, Tsukuba (Japan) 1994.
12. Cluster Cross Beam LCAO LDA Statistical Molecular Dynamics Simulations.
Department of Physics, Max Born Institut,
January 21, Berlin (Germany) 1994.
11. Statistical Molecular Dynamics of Atomic and Molecular Clusters.
Department of Physics, Oldenburg University,
January 14, Oldenburg (Germany) 1994.
10. Cluster Dynamics, Kinetics and Modeling.
Department of Materials Science and Mechanics, Michigan State University,
March 16, East Lansing (USA) 1993.
9. One More Step Towards Atomic and Molecular Cluster Processing.
Department of Physics and Astronomy, Michigan State University,
January 11, East Lansing (USA) 1993.
8. Parallel Computing in Physics.
Department of Physics, TU Dresden,
December 18, Dresden (Germany) 1992.
7. Dynamics and Kinetics of Thermal Clusters.
Department of Physics, TU Dresden,
December 16, Dresden (Germany) 1992.
6. Cluster Properties and Cluster Dynamics.
Departmentof Physics, University of Missouri-Rolla,
December 3, Rolla (USA) 1992.
5. Water Clusters and Conservation of Structure in Ultra High Diluted Solutions.
Ludwig Boltzmann Institute (LBI),
January 29, Graz (Austria) 1992.
4. A Path-Integral Monte-Carlo Method for Fermions.
The Niels Bohr Institute,
October 10, Copenhagen (Denmark) 1989.
3. The Simulation of the Quantum Mechanics of Thermal Noble-Gas Clusters, and A Path-Integral
Monte-Carlo Method for Fermions.
The Niels Bohr Institute,
October 10, Copenhagen (Denmark) 1989.
2. Wasser Cluster, Struktur und Information.
International Meeting on Structure and Information in UHD Solutions,
January 15, Graz (Austria) 1988.
1. Prolongation.
1st Gareller Workshop über Anwendungen moderner mathematischer Methoden in der Theoretischen Physik,
December 12-14, Garrel (Germany) 1986.
20 R Martinez-Maldonado, G Fernandez Nieto, J Schulte, S Buckingham Shum
Automated Feedback on Collocated Teamwork & Classroom Proxemics
DAFFI 2020, Designing Automated Feedback For Impact, September 8-9, (Sydney) 2020
19 J Schulte, N Griffiths
Putting the Professional into Practice-Based Learning
International Conference on Learning and Teaching, (Singapore) 2015.
18 J Schulte, N Griffiths
Learning futures: introducing authentic assessment to enable practice-oriented learning in science.
Intl. Conf. on Assessment for Learning in Higher Education (Hong Kong) 2015.
17 J Schulte, N Griffiths
The language barrier: using concept inventories to teach science to first- year university students
ACSME 2013, The Australian Conference on Science and Mathematics Education
Canberra (Australia) 2013.
16 J Schulte, V Nguyen, DB Hoang, D Elliott, SM McKinley, P Nanda
A remote sensor-based 6-minute functional walking ability test
IEEE Sensors, October, Taipei (Taiwan) 2012.
15 J Ushio, J Schulte, T Maruizumi
Combination of structure optimizations based on a
molecular orbital method & a Monte Carlo method.
Solid State Devices Materials 2000
July 28, Sendai (Japan) 2000.
14 C Masens, J Schulte
At the interface: Computer simulations of disulfide based SAMs on Au(111).
10th Gordon Godfrey Workshop on Condensed Matter Physics
June 9-10, Sydney, (Australia) 2000.
13 J Ushio, J Schulte, T Maruizumi
Non-equlibrium molecular orbital calculation of Si/SiO2 and Si/SioxNy
5th Workshop on formation, characterization, and reliability of ultrathin silicon oxide film.
January 21-22, Gotenba, (Japan) 2000.
12 Krishna G. Schulte J., Osman P., Cornell B.
Preliminary observations on the capacity and mobility of ions in the AMBRI biosensor
23rd Annual Australian Society for Biophysics and the 3rd Asia Pacific Biosensors Symposium,
September 30-October 3, Broadbeach (Australia) 1999.
11 Schulte J., Bonasera A.
Scaling of Large Fluctuations in Finite Systems
Int. Symposium on Similarities and Differences between Atomic-Nuclei and -Clusters
July 3, Tsukuba, Ibaraki (Japan) 1997.
10 Schulte J., Ushio J. , Takemura Y., Maruizumi T.;
Tersoff Type Potential for Ga-Si Interactions.
The 43rd Japanese Applied Physics Society Meeting,
March 23, Tokyo (Japan) 1996.
9 Schulte J., Seifert G.;
Computer Simulations of Molecular Processes.
High Performance Computing and Networking (HPCN) Europe 1994,
April 18-20, Munich (Germany), 1994.
8 G. Seifert, R. Schmidt, J. Schulte;
Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Molecular Collision Processes.
International Conference on Theory of Atomic and Molecular Clusters,
June 21-25, Oldenburg (Germany), 1993.
7. G. Seifert, J. Schulte, R. Schmidt;
Cluster Cross Beam LCAO LDA Molecular Dynamics Simulations.
15th International Symposium on Molecular Beams,
May 18-22, Berlin (Germany) 1993.
6. Schulte J., Lucchese R.R., Marlow W.H.;
Calculation of Collision Energy Transfer of Thermal Clusters.
13th International Conference on Nucleation and Atmospheric Aerosols,
August 24-28, Salt Lake City, Utah (USA) 1992.
5. Schulte J., Lucchese R.R., Marlow W.H.;
Computation of Gas Phase Cluster Accomodation.
Third Topical Conference on Emerging Technology in Materials, Nanophase Materials,
Nov. 17-22, Los Angeles (USA) 1991.
4. Schulte J., Lucchese R.R., Marlow W.H.;
Simulation of Mon Clusters in Argon Background Gas — Energy Transfer and Structure.
Southwest Theoretical Chemistry Conference, The University of Texas at Dallas,
Nov. 8-9, Dallas (USA) 1991.
3. Schulte J., Hilf E.R., Franke G.;
Quantenstatistics of Inorganic Cluster.
DFG Schwerpunkt Meeting ”Physik anorganischer Cluster”,
April 10-11, Bad Honnef (Germany) 1989.
2. Schulte J.,
On the Structure of Noble-Gas Clusters.
International Colloquium on Crystal Structure, Microstructure and Properties of Minerals
and Ceramic Materials,
March 6-8, Bochum (Germany) 1988.
1. Schulte J., Kleihaus B.,
Böndgen R., Olt V., Kilgus G., Franke G.;
Theoretical Physics for Undergraduates.
International Conference on Physics Educations: Communicating Physics,
August 26-30, Duisburg (Germany) 1985.
18 Schulte J, Buckingham Shum S, Martinez Maldonado R
Large Scale Predictive Process Mining and Analytics of University Degree Courses.
LAK17 Learning Analytics and Knowledge Conference.
March 13-17 2017, Vancouver, Canada.
17 Braun M, Schulte J, Davila YC.
Reciprocal Peer Teaching for Problem-Solving Teams in a Senior-Year Science Course. Proceedings of the Australian Conference for Science and Mathematics Education, Sept 30 – Oct 1, Perth (Australia) 2015, pp 13-14, ISBN 978-0-9871834-4-6.
16 Schulte J., Griffiths N.
Putting the professional into practice based learning
ACSME 2014, The Australian Conference on Science and Mathematics Education
September 29, Sydney (Australia) 2014.
15 Schulte J.
Delivering first year physics assignments withi limited resources – An Australian three-centre study
Uniserve Symposium, Assessment in Science Teaching and Learning.
September 28, Sydney (Australia) 2006.
14 Masens C., Schulte J.
Ultra Flat Gold Surfaces for use in Chemical Force Microscopy.
Materials EXPO, New Materials, New Products and New Investment. Australian Technology Park.
November 16, Sydney (Australia) 1999.
13 Masens C., Schulte J.
Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Self Assembled Monolayers. 7th Foresight Conference of Molecular Nano Technology.
October 17-20, Santa Clara (USA) 1999.
12 Masens C., Schulte J.
Ultra Flat Gold Surfaces for use in Chemical Force Microscopy. 7th Foresight Conference of Molecular Nano Technology.
October 17-20, Santa Clara (USA) 1999.
11 Schulte J., Ushio J., Maruizumi T.
Non-Equilibrium Molecular-Orbital Calculations of Si/SiO2 and Si/SiOxNy interfaces. Annual Meeting of the Japanese Applied Physics Society.
October 4-5, Tokyo (Japan) 1999.
10 Schulte J., Ushio J., Maruizumi T.
Non-Equilibrium Molecular-Orbital Calculations of Si/SiO2 interfaces.
Int. Joint Conference on Silicon Epitaxy and Heterostructures (IJC-Si, SiMBE8, SiHS3)
September 12-17, Zao, Myiagi (Japan) 1999.
9 Schulte J., Bonasera A.
Scaling of Large Fluctuations in Finite Systems
Int. Symposium on Similarities and Differences between Atomic-Nuclei and -Clusters
July 1-4, Tsukuba, Ibaraki (Japan) 1997.
8 Schulte J., Ushio J. , Takemura Y. , Maruizumi T.
Tersoff Potential for Ga-Si Interactions.
1996 American Conference on Theoretical Chemistry
July 21-25, Park City, Utah (USA) 1996.
7 Endler P.C., Pongratz W., Vinattieri C., Smith C.W., Schulte J.
Hormone Effects by Electronic Transmissions.
Interdisciplinary Conference of the Federation of the American Society for Exeprimental Biology:
American Physiolocal Society, American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental
Therapeutics, American Society for Investigative Pathology, American Institute, American
Association of Immunologist, American Association of Anatomists.
April 9-13, Atlanta, Georgia (USA) 1995.
6. Schulte J., Seifert G., Lucchese R.R., Marlow W.H.;
Energy Transfer Rates, Energy Transfer Cross Section, Sticking Probability, and Intermediate
Reaction Complexes of Thermal Gas Phase Clusters.
American Association For Aerosol Research, 12th Annual Meeting,
October 11-15, Oak Brook, Illinois (USA) 1993.
5. Schulte J., Lucchese R.R., Marlow W.H.;
Collision Dynamics and Kinetics of Thermal Clusters.
6th International Symposium on Small Particles and Inorganic Clusters, ISSPIC 6,
September 16-22, Chicago, Illinois (USA) 1992.
4. Schulte J., Lucchese R.R., Marlow W.H.;
Calculation of Collisional Energy Transfer of Thermal Clusters.
Poster and oral introduction to the poster. Symposium on Atomic and Surface Physics SASP92,
January 19-25, Pampeago, Val di Fiemme, Trentino (Italy) 1992.
3. Schulte J., Lucchese R.R., Marlow W.H.;
Calculation of Accommodation Cross Sections in Cluster Collisions Ar -> Pdn.
Gordon Research Conference on Metals and Semi-Conductor Clusters,
August 20, New Hampshire (USA) 1991.
2. Schulte J.;
Thermal Helium Clusters at 3.2 Kelvin in Classical and Semiclassical Simulations.
Int. Symposium on Small Particles and Inorganic Clusters, ISSPIC 5,
September, Konstanz (Germany) 1990.
1. Franke G., Schulte J.;
Quantum Effects and Structure of Noble-Gas Clusters.
Int. Symposium on Small Particles and Inorganic Clusters, ISSPIC 4,
July 5-9, Aix-En-Provence (France) 1988.